Amazing Food Finds!


I have looked this up and in 2010, some research was done and proved that red onion helps get rid of unwanted cholesterol but helps with good cholesterol! I think it’s time to buy more red onions and create more yummy salads for me! Yay!


So when you’re craving fruity sweets, why not reach out for nature’s sweets. So colourful and full of goodness!


I really have to start using all of these super life changing foods and drinks! Lemon water, I’ve heard first thing in the morning is a must! I will definitely be starting tomorrow morning!


Eat these foods together and make the most of Nature’s Synergie, connection and benefits of food available to us!

The Sunshine Award & My Lunch Yesterday!


I was nominated by sweet Steph @ Steph and Penny and joyful Jhuls @ The not so creative cook earlier this month.  It was for the Sunshine award, which is so special to me! As to bring some warmth and light into someones life, I feel is one of my blogging purposes!

My heartfelt thanks to both Steph and Jhuls, they very much bring a ray of sunshine to my day! You both have such amazing blogs and I absolutely adore being in touch with you both.  Much love and thanks once again x

The questions set for me to answer ~

1. Why did you start blogging?
I was cooking for along time before I started blogging and I would post my pictures up on my Facebook account.  I had many friends and family requesting recipes and with the encouragement of my husband, Shivaay Delights came about last year

2. Sweet or Savoury?
Can please say both? Please? ๐Ÿ˜‰ Savoury more when I was little and now I have very much of a sweet tooth!

If you were to go on any reality TV programme, what would it be and why?
Britain’s got Talent, but I don’t know what I would do?

4. What was the last thing you Googled? 
Asparagus quiche

5. Night In or Night Out?
Night in! Snuggled up on the sofa with my boys!


6. What has been your favourite blog post to write?
My swirly fruit and nut chocolate bark recipe


7. Whatโ€™s the one thing you never leave home without?
My phone

8. Where would you most like to travel to?


9. If you could have any super power, what would it be?
Power to spread love everywhere, bit like cupid but not just in the romantic sense.  More to heal all sorts of relationships and thus giving them peace


10. What can we expect to find from your blog in the future?
More inventive vegetarian recipes and hosting guest posts from all of you my wonderful foodie friend!


1. Include the Sunshine Award icon in your post and/or on your blog
2. Link to the blogger who nominated you
3. Answer 10 questions about yourself
4. Nominate 10 other bloggers to receive the award
5. Link to your nominees and let them know you nominated them
6. Create 10 questions for your nominees to answer

I am setting the same questions as above and are to be answered (if they wish to participate) Congratulations to the following nominees:

Apsara @ Eating well diary
Aruna @ aahaaram
julianna @ Chef Julianna
Lauzan @ The veggie side of me
Edge of veg @ The edge of veg
Mara @ All the small stuff and things
Micaela @ Easy Italian Cuisine
Patty @ Patty Nguyen
Sam @ Tea and sesame
The seated cook @ The seated cook

All of the above nominees are amazing bloggers and gorgeous people. Please have a look at their blogs and show them some love!

So I can’t do a post and not put up any food! So here is my yummy lunch of curried kidney beans on a soft fleshed yet crispy skin jacket potato with lashings of butter and cheese! Don’t worry both the cheese and butter was low fat ๐Ÿ˜‰

My Red Kidney Bean Curry Recipe

