Oozing Baked Camembert with Caramelised Red Onion Chutney

I could do with some right now! How amazing and delicious! From Home made with mess x

Homemade With Mess

This is the perfect recipe for a Sunday evening, and is one that we regularly enjoy. I don’t know about you but we try to eat pretty healthily in the week and then when it comes to the weekend we seriously indulge! Today for example, we had bacon and egg butties for breakfast (with my Mum’s deliciously soft homemade bread), a lovely roast pork lunch at my Dad’s, followed by hot chocolate fudge cake with homemade ice-cream, and for dinner I imagine we will crack out the cheese board and enjoy a glass of wine. If you too enjoy a little indulgence at the weekend then give this a try for a Saturday night starter or a Sunday night supper – just watch out for the crazy cheese dreams if you have it quite late!

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For the caramelised red onion chutney

–          1 large red onion – finely sliced

–         …

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More Pancakes & A Piquant Pomelo Salad


I always have my pancakes with sugar and lemon. Well I would! Wouldn’t I? As my love affair with lemons continue! lol

This time I went savoury and spread lush layers of fresh cream cheese with chives and sweet cherry tomatoes.  The pancakes themselves also appeared to have a party in the pan as they rose and puffed up whilst I was cooking them!


Such a quick and easy recipe to remember and the addition of melted butter really gives the pancakes a slight richness before we are to fill the pancakes with even yummier things!


I also had a pomelo grapefruit salad with the pancakes which was a delightful combination of fruit, cheese and chilli!  Sweet, salty, sour and hot in one mouthful! Extraordinary! Will be making this again!


1 cup plain flour
1 cup milk
2 free range eggs
1 tbsp melted butter
Pinch of salt
A little cold water

Sunflower oil


• Throw in all the ingredients into a large mixing bowl apart from the butter and water


• Whisk until smooth, pour in the melted butter, whisk to combine and add a few tablespoons of water to thin the batter a little

• Preheat a small non stock frying pan with a little oil on a low to medium heat  Gently place a ladle of batter into the pan and swirl around to cover the pan surface and thin the pancake out


• Flip the pancake as it starts to come away from the sides,  turn over to cook both sides until golden brown with speckles



• Use any filling of your choice, sweet or savoury, or both!!
I had mine with low fat cream cheese with chives and cherry tomatoes


Pomelo Side Salad

Pomelo segmented without skin
Cherry tomatoes halved
Chilli seed mix
Chilli flakes
Grated Cheddar cheese

