Super Soya & Quinoa Stuffed Peppers


I have always used rice as a stuffing for roasted bell peppers but because I am trying to eat low fat! (Trying desperately!) And high in protein! I thought soya and quinoa would be the perfect combination and would really compliment the pepper.


So earlier this week, I got my experimenting apron on and started a recipe that I wrote up as I cooked it.  This is one thing I am really enjoying about food blogging as I know I have to create and make new dishes whether mine or gorgeous recipes I find online! Especially from all of you my friends x And I am loving every minute of it!

My husband, loved them but I don’t think four pepper halves is enough as it is a light meal. It can be an ideal starter or just make more of it!! Which I intend to do next time.  For now these quinoa & soya mince peppers are making there way to Angie’s Friday Fiesta Party over @ The Novice Gardener. Come share your lovely recipes there! The more the merrier! we will have sooo much fun! 

Have a super duper weekend! Much love D x



4 bell peppers deseeded and halved
150-200g soya mince frozen
2 garlic cloves crushed
1 tomato chopped
1 tbsp olive oil
⅓ tsp dried coriander leaves
150g crushed tomato passata
½ tsp salt or to taste
½ vegetable stock cube
1½ cup pre cooked quinoa
Squeeze of fresh lemon
Boiling water to thin out
2 Green chilli chopped
Grated Cheddar cheese


• Preheat the oven to 190°c and place the peppers on a roasting tray having greased them a little with olive oil.  Roast for 15 minutes until the peppers are slightly tender

• Meanwhile heat up the oil in a medium saucepan on a low heat.  Sprinkle in the coriander leaves and sauté the chopped tomato



• Pour in the passata, stir in the salt and crumble in the stock cube.  Mix well and cook cook for 5-7 minutes


• Throw in the soya mince and add a little boiling water to thin the sauce out.  Cover and cook for 15 minutes on a low heat


• Mix in the pre cooked quinoa


Into the soya mince and squeeze in a little lemon juice


• Fill the semi roasted peppers and fill with the quinoa stuffing, throw over some green chilli and grated cheese to form a topping




• Place back in the oven for 10 minutes or until the cheese has melted



• Serve with some crusty bread or a salad of your choice