A Roasted Sweet Chilli & Plum Chutney


I had a punnet of plums sitting there looking very lonely in my fridge and next to it, a vibrant red sweet chillI pepper, just calling out to me… saying I will say save these plums! Ok, so now I have fruit and veg talking to me lol! But boy did this pepper do good.

It teamed up with the plums so nicely and roasting them also added to their flavour. It’s the first time I’ve worked with a sweet chilli pepper and it truly is something!
Tangy and sour notes from the plums and a little heat from the pepper. The texture together is so velvety, perfect as a dipping sauce or as a chutney. I’ll definitely be making this again! Hope you enjoy it!

Have a wonderful week, much love D x



1 large red sweet chilli pepper
6 red plums
1/2 tbsp salt or to taste
1/2 tbsp granulated sugar or to taste
1/2 tsp red chilli powder
1 clove garlic peeled


Preheat oven to 200°c

Place the sweet chilli pepper and plums on a lined baking tray, bake for 20 to 30 minutes until soft and the aroma of the chilli and plums is sweet. Set aside to cool



De seed and de skin the chilli and plums. Remove the stones from the plum


Add the roasted prep into a food processor with the rest of the ingredients and blitz to a smooth chutney/sauce


Ready to serve



Super Soya & Quinoa Stuffed Peppers


I have always used rice as a stuffing for roasted bell peppers but because I am trying to eat low fat! (Trying desperately!) And high in protein! I thought soya and quinoa would be the perfect combination and would really compliment the pepper.


So earlier this week, I got my experimenting apron on and started a recipe that I wrote up as I cooked it.  This is one thing I am really enjoying about food blogging as I know I have to create and make new dishes whether mine or gorgeous recipes I find online! Especially from all of you my friends x And I am loving every minute of it!

My husband, loved them but I don’t think four pepper halves is enough as it is a light meal. It can be an ideal starter or just make more of it!! Which I intend to do next time.  For now these quinoa & soya mince peppers are making there way to Angie’s Friday Fiesta Party over @ The Novice Gardener. Come share your lovely recipes there! The more the merrier! we will have sooo much fun! 

Have a super duper weekend! Much love D x



4 bell peppers deseeded and halved
150-200g soya mince frozen
2 garlic cloves crushed
1 tomato chopped
1 tbsp olive oil
⅓ tsp dried coriander leaves
150g crushed tomato passata
½ tsp salt or to taste
½ vegetable stock cube
1½ cup pre cooked quinoa
Squeeze of fresh lemon
Boiling water to thin out
2 Green chilli chopped
Grated Cheddar cheese


• Preheat the oven to 190°c and place the peppers on a roasting tray having greased them a little with olive oil.  Roast for 15 minutes until the peppers are slightly tender

• Meanwhile heat up the oil in a medium saucepan on a low heat.  Sprinkle in the coriander leaves and sauté the chopped tomato



• Pour in the passata, stir in the salt and crumble in the stock cube.  Mix well and cook cook for 5-7 minutes


• Throw in the soya mince and add a little boiling water to thin the sauce out.  Cover and cook for 15 minutes on a low heat


• Mix in the pre cooked quinoa


Into the soya mince and squeeze in a little lemon juice


• Fill the semi roasted peppers and fill with the quinoa stuffing, throw over some green chilli and grated cheese to form a topping




• Place back in the oven for 10 minutes or until the cheese has melted



• Serve with some crusty bread or a salad of your choice

Sweet, sour and spicy quorn


I love using Quorn in my recipes as it’s low in fat, high in protein and fibre and tastes delicious. It is so versatile and I’m sure I will be using it in more recipes to come, especially as my little ones love it too!


300g Quorn chicken style pieces (frozen)
1 medium onion in crescent slices
1 green bell pepper sliced
1 chilli finely sliced
2 tbsp sunflower oil
1 tbsp soy sauce
1 tbsp tomato ketchup
1 tsp ground coriander & cumin
squeeze of lemon juice


1. Heat 1 tbsp of oil in a non stick pan and fry the quorn pieces on a medium heat until they take on a golden colour

2. Remove quorn from the pan and put aside on a plate

3. Using the same pan, heat the remaining tbsp of oil and add the onion, chilli and pepper. Stir fry until onion and pepper soften a little

4. Put in the soy sauce, tomato ketchup, ground coriander/cumin and lemon juice. Mix well and put on a low heat and cook for 10 minutes so that the flavours infuse

5. Once ready serve with this wonderful sesame rice with vegetables

Recipe for rice http://www.thefunofcooking.com/rice-with-vegetables-and-sesame-the-perfect-side-dish-you-never-get-bored-of-it/