Courgette Masala Dosa


Yes you’ve read the title right! I wanted to make masala dosa but had run out of potatoes so raided the fridge and my love affair with the courgette continues. Such a versatile vegetable, you will notice that I use it alot!


A soft and tender addition to the classic dosa, also helping out cutting on the carbs by not having potato. It was ready within 15 minutes and gave me super speedy dosas for dinner. I must admit that I used a ready made flour for the dosas as we craved them there and then and with the masala cooking alongside them we had dosas very much instantly, ready to be served!


It is my Aunt P’s birthday today! And she is sooo gooood at making Dosas! I have learnt how to cook the perfect dosa from her and think of her everytime I make it! Happy Birthday Mami xxxx


2 large courgettes diced into small cubes
1 onion diced
1 tomato diced
1 green chilli finely sliced
½ tbsp sunflower oil
¼ tsp mustard seeds
1½ tsp coriander & cumin powder
⅓ tsp turmeric
1 tsp garam masala
⅓ tsp or less salt to taste
Squeeze of lime
Handful of chopped coriander

A packet of dosa mix, follow instructions clearly


• Heat the oil in a medium saucepan with the mustard seeds once they start to sizzle and pop, stir in the onion, on a medium heat stir fry until onion is slightly golden brown

• Add the courgettes and tomato along with all the spices and seasoning and combine well, cover and cook for 10-12 minutes on a low heat until the courgette is soft



• Once done, squeeze in a little lime juice and put in the coriander

For the Dosas

☆A big tip is to make sure you completely cool the pan down with cold water before you spread another on out over a little oil to cook. The dosa should be cooked on one side and on a low to medium heat. You will find as it is ready it will start to peel away from the flat non stick pan



• Place a cooked dosa on a plate take a few spoonfuls of the courgette masala and spread along one half, then fold over. Your masala dosa is ready to eat!



Lovely served with a dal sambhar or my South Indian Coconut Chutney

