Chilli Garlic & Lemon Spaghetti


A few years ago, I went out with my colleagues for a meal after work. We all decided on an Italian restaurant that had just opened. We made ourselves comfortable and it was time to order the starters.

A dear colleague of mine, Francesco was speaking to the waiter in Italian and requested a dish that was not on the menu. I was intrigued and when all our starters arrived he got a steaming shallow dish of Spaghetti Aioli/ spaghetti “aglio olio”!

It looked so good and I wish at the time he had ordered I would have gone for the same. Though not on the menu he said that if you request it at restaurants they will most always accommodate as it is very much a loved dish in Italy!

In the next few days l, I just had to recreate this adorable dish for my husband and me. I put a twist on mine with lemon so that the freshness would cut through the strength of the garlic.


We have this very often now! And am so happy that Francesco had this dish as now we get to enjoy it! I hope you do too..

What’s cooking in your kitchen today? I have some stuffed peppers to prepare for lunch! Have a fun filled Wednesday! Much love D x


1 green chilli sliced finely
6 cloves garlic crushed
6 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp dried oregano
Salt to taste
Lemon to taste
Fresh Spaghetti pre cooked


• Heat the 2 tablespoons of oil in a medium saucepan with the garlic on a low heat


• Add the chilli and oregano. Let the flavours intermingle. Cook on a gentle heat for 5-8 minutes, being careful not to burn the garlic


• Pour in the rest of the oil


• Take off the heat and stir in some salt and fresh lemon juice

• Take the pre cooked spaghetti and place into the saucepan. Gently combine and toss the pasta until it is covered in the garlic oil dressing

• Serve with a sprinkling of parmasen cheese and devour!



A Tomato & Soya Bean Spaghetti


You already know how much we love our pasta, especially a simple spaghetti pomodoro! But sometimes you want to feel a little healthier alongside the carbs that you are about to devour.

So on that note! Soya beans, please come to the stage! It’s time you made a special appearance! The Soya bean contains up to 40% protein and has the highest protein content amongst plant products. It is also the only vegetable food that contains all eight essential amino acids!


An appetizing pasta dish with protein! You just can’t go wrong! Yay! A brilliant way to get the kids to eat soya beans as they all love pasta. However, if you wish to disguise the beans, pre boil them and blitz them into a paste and then add to the tomato sauce! Enjoy x


1 onion diced
1 garlic clove crushed
1 tbsp olive oil
½ tsp dried oregano
250g tomato passata
Salt to taste
1 cup frozen soya beans
Fresh Spaghetti


• In a medium saucepan heat up the oil, sauté the onion and garlic until the onion becomes golden, mix in the oregano and cook for 2 minutes on a low heat

• Pour in the passata, stir in the salt
and simmer gently for 10-12 minutes


• Boil the soya beans alongside the fresh spaghetti upon instruction



• Once done, place the cooked spaghetti into the sauce, combine well and serve with grated parmesan or a mature cheddar
