Fresh Salsa Nachos


Dinner was ready but my husband very cheekily made some fresh salsa with cheese nachos. As soon as I realised he was chopping the ingredients, my camera quickly made an appearance. I captured quite a few pictures to share with you all.

I was soo tempted to eat some of the yummy ingredients as he prepped! But didn’t! It was totally worth the wait. You really can’t beat tangy fresh salsa, the flavours are incredible and with the cheese and crispiness of the tortilla….ummmm I don’t think I will have much dinner now!


1 onion finely diced
1 tomato finely diced
2 tbsp freshly chopped coriander
1 avocado diced
1 chilli deseeded finely chopped
1/2 juice of lime
Pinch of salt

Tortilla chips
Grated cheese






Combine all ingredients in a bowl, mix slowly together

On a microwave safe plate, place a layer of tortilla chips with cheese, melt in the microwave oven for 1 minute

Transfer into a bowl and add the salsa


Now grab your favourite drink, sit back and munch away! Taking some over to Fiesta Friday…